4. Nemzetközi Képi Tanulás Konferencia

Információk a novemberi VLL konferenciáról

A BME GTK Műszaki Pedagógia Tanszék 2013. november 15-16-án rendezi a 4. Nemzetközi Képi Tanulás Konferenciát. A konferencia munkanyelve angol.

Jelentkezési felhívás előadóknak

Előadók jelentkezést szeptember 15-ig fogadjuk el a konferenciára, a rövid életrajz (maximum 100 szó) és az abstract (maxímum 200 szó) leadási határideje is szeptember 15.

A jelentkezéseket és az elkészült anyagokat kérjük küldjék el Prof. Benedek András <benedek.a@eik.bme.hu> tanszékvezető és Nyíri Kristóf <knyiri@t-email.hu> egyetemi tanár email címére.


VISUAL LEARNING volume announcement & 2nd call for abstracts

Submission of abstracts (max. 200 words) and short biographical statements (max. 100 words) by Sept. 15, 2013. Please send your submissions simultaneously to Prof. András Benedek <benedek.a@eik.bme.hu> (Head, Department of Technical Education) and to Kristóf Nyíri <knyiri@t-email.hu> (Professor of Philosophy, Department of Technical Education). Those submitting abstracts will be notified of the decision concerning acceptance by Sept. 30, 2013The volume How To Do Things With Pictures: Skill, Practice, Performance
(vol. 3 in the series Visual Learning, published by Peter Lang Verlag) will appear in September 2013.)


We are in the process of organizing the next Budapest conference on Visual Learning.

This is the final call for abstracts: VISUAL LEARNING: EMOTION — EXPRESSION — EXPLANATION

Conference to take place in Budapest, November 15-16, 2013

Conference organized by the  Visual Learning Lab, Department of Technical Education, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Speakers will include: Petra Aczel, András Benedek, David Freedberg, James E. Katz, Sybille Kraemer

Contributions are invited from educational, communication, and media theorists, philosophers, linguists, psychologists, and other interested scholars, on the following and related topics:

Educational theory and visual learning / images, aesthetics, art history /  images and media theory
/ metaphor and emotion / images in psychotherapy / visual rhetoric / pictorial meaning / pictorial communication / visual imagery / visual intelligence / the visual mind / the image problem in the history of philosophy / resemblance, representation, reality / visual argument / scientific visualization / visualization and higher education / information visualization /  image and language / image and creativity / images in the network age

A slot of altogether 35 minutes is planned for each presentation. We envisage an ensuing volume of selected papers (vol. 4 in the series Visual Learning, ed. by András Benedek and Kristóf Nyíri).

No conference fees will be charged.

The conference venue is Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudosok korutja 2, Bld. Q, Wing A.
